Duda Ewa et al. Promoting pro-environmental behaviours among urban dwellers. A study of the interdisciplinary Greencoin project

Note about the book:

The presented monograph outlines the course of the Greencoin project activities and their outcomes. Due to the distinct nature of each task and the fact that they were coordinated by the various partners, who bring their own unique perspectives to the table, they are presented in the monograph in a way that reflects this diversity. This approach aims to demonstrate the project’s inherent complexity, which is multi-stage and non-linear, with project tasks occurring concurrently over time. It also considers the diverse theoretical assumptions and perspectives, as well as the project team members’ respective modes of action and tools. Conducting interdisciplinary research in large, often international teams involving people from outside the scientific community is essential if we want to solve environmental problems together, as the climate crisis is not a one-dimensional phenomenon.


DOI: 10.71358/9788367721530


The Maria Grzegorzewska University



Place and year of publication:

Warsaw 2024





Number of pages:


File size:

5,39 MB

Publication type:

Scientific publication title
