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Aktualizacja: 22-06-2021

Social Attractivness of Children with Disabilities in the opinion of nondisabled first-grade elementary school students and their parents in Kazakhstan

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z nową publikacją autorstwa Ewy  M.  Kuleszy (Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej) i Laury  A.  Butabayevej (Abai  Kazakh  National  Pedagogical  University) pod tytułem Social Attractivness of Children with Disabilities in  the  opinion  of  nondisabled  first-grade  elementary  school  students  and  their  parents  in  Kazakhstan wydanej przez Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnejim. Marii Grzegorzewskiej.

The  research  on  the  social  attractiveness  of  children  with  disabilities  was  inspired by the social integration idea, which spread globally in the seventies of  the  20th  century,  but  in  Kazakhstan,  it  has  been  intensively  implemented  for a short time only. Kazakhstan’s aspirations to create an open, democratic society, enter global sociocultural space, and give priority to human rights and freedoms are the factors that have had an impact on changing the way of thinking about people with disabilities and problems they contend with.




Opublikowano: 22-03-2021