Zachęcamy do oglądania korzystając z linku:
- 10.15 - Ceremony for the signature of the MCU2020
- Opening remarks - Giovanni Molari, Rector of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
Bologna, and President of the Magna Charta Observatory
- Keynote: Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO and former
Minister of Higher Education, University and Research, in Italy
- Signing of the Magna Charta Universitatum
- Remarks by the new signatory Hanne Solheim Hansen, Rector of the Nord University, Norway
- Concluding remarks - Patrick Deane, President of the Magna Charta Observatory Council
- 10.15 - Ceremony for the signature of the MCU2020
- Opening remarks - Giovanni Molari, Rector of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
Bologna, and President of the Magna Charta Observatory
- Keynote: Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO and former
Minister of Higher Education, University and Research, in Italy
- Signing of the Magna Charta Universitatum
- Remarks by the new signatory Hanne Solheim Hansen, Rector of the Nord University, Norway
- Concluding remarks - Patrick Deane, President of the Magna Charta Observatory Council