Sustainability at APS

Would you like to make your habits more planet-friendly? Join the Attune project and change the reality just by making small changes, together with the APS community!

Register to the programme here: link




One of the goals at APS is that is in line with our mission of supporting groups and individuals in need, is that our research and education strives to contribute to sustainable development. We have research, study programs and campus operations that support all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

On 24.08.2023, as a result of cooperation of the Stakeholders, the Sustainable Development Strategy was adopted, which sets the direction for the Academy going forward and obliges it to work in specific areas. The Strategy is available in:

  1. English: here 
  2. Polish: here

We pay great attention to gender equality and ensure that it is executed at our University. We have adpoted the Gender Equality Plan in 2022 and we run informational meetings concerning it (please see: here). The Gender Equality Plan is available in English version: here and in Polish version: here.


Projects supporting SDGs

We have:

We understand sustainability also as contributing towards equal access and therefore we financially support yearly UNESCO JK Chair international summer schools within the UniTwin UNESCO Chairs network and we fund our own UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy. UNESCO JK Chair International Summer School 2022 (

We dedicate resources to a number of initiatives that support SDGs.

  • Students Unions
  • Free psychological and legal support  
  • Mediator
  • Anti-mobbing procedures
  • Ombudsman for Ethics and Academic Ethos
  • Disciplinary Ombudsmens 
  • Working group for Equality
  • Working group for Ecology 
  • Advisory Board for Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility
  • Volunteers' schemes in support of the community 
  • Special support schemes for people with disabilities, Rector's representative for people with disabilities

The Advisory Board for Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility was established in connection with the vision of developing APS as a modern, socially responsible University, developed in an innovative, sustainable and balanced way, based on the principles of social justice, respect for human rights, promoting social inclusion and protecting the environment and climate. The Board's tasks include, i.a.:

  1. having an advisory vote for the Rector's Collegium;
  2. advising on development, promotional and cooperation activities;
  3. pro-active seeking of strategic initiatives related to the implementation of sustainable development principles.

We adhere to high ethical standards, with codes of ethics for academic teachers, students and administration. We also have our own Ethical Committee for Scientific Research.

We take part in the national Working Group for Social Responsibility at Universities at the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy Grupa robocza ds. społecznej odpowiedzialności uczelni - Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej - Portal (

For more information -


Acting Coordinator for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
Ms. Adamina Korwin-Szymanowska PhD
