Miami University Professor with an open lecture at APS


We would like to invite you to the open lecture held within the series of "Visiting Professor's Lecture" at the Doctoral School of APS on April 29th.

The invitation from the Doctoral School of the University of Maria Grzegorzewska has been accepted by Prof. Mark Bernheim, who will deliver the lecture entitled "Walking Together the Bridge to Terabithia - Current Perspectives".

The meeting with Prof. Bernheim will be held on 29 April this year from 10:00 to 13:15 both in person and online and will be divided into two parts: open to all interested participants and for doctoral students.

We cordially invite you to participate.


Professor Mark Bernheim - Public Speaker and Writing Consultant; Multilingual Cultural Guide in Italy; 2016 Polish Foreign Affairs Ministry Research Grant; 2017 Fulbright Specialist in Maribor, Slovenia and 2022 in Bamberg, Germany; 2017 Lecturer at University of Graz (Austria) Summer Seminar; Book and cultural reviewer; Free-lance writer/editor for scientific and medical mss. for publication in professional and cultural media.


  • Termin: 29 kwietnia 2022, godz. 10:00
  • Plan spotkania:
    10.00-12.15 - część I (otwarta dla wszystkich) - wykład, dyskusja, przerwa
    12.15-13.15 - część II - warsztat dla doktorantów i doktorantek
  • Forma: hybrydowa:
    stacjonarnie - sala Senatu 3213, budynek C, II piętro
    on-line: Aplikacja Teams - link do wykładu prof. Marka Bernheima

