Human Resources of Museums in Poland. Pilot Research


We invite you to take part in our pilot research about Human Resources in Museums in Poland.

The results of nationwide research from 2023 show how important it is to prevent the devaluation of cultural staff resources for maintaining the stability of work in museums, especially in the post-pandemic reality. However, in order to implement tools that prevent the development of bad practices, accurate data on the availability of human resources is needed. Therefore, as part of a new project implemented in cooperation with the Forum of Museum Educators and with the support of Webankieta, we invite you to take part in a survey.

Get tested! Help us diagnose the staffing situation in culture! If you can, share the link to the survey with people working in museums or, as an employee of such an institution, answer the questions that will help us develop a report and initiate a discussion on the stability of employment in museums.

Link to the survey: : Zasoby kadrowe muzeum - ankieta z

The aim of our activities is to develop a preliminary diagnosis that will serve as a reference point for future activities and to implement a qualitative research program that will allow for an even deeper understanding of the context of the staffing situation in museums.

The project "Human resources of museums in Poland. Pilot research" is financed under the Poland Reconstruction Plan for Culture scholarship programs.

